Welcome to Yehudit's HeartFelt project

טוביה בן אברהם

Have a heart - help keep her husband's memory alive!

How, you ask..? Very simple. Tuvia 'Todd' Main, my father-in- law, passed away suddenly August 28th, 2018 - Elul 17; we had the stone setting in September 2019. His wife and her grandchildren (my kids) handcrafted over 9,000 and counting of these beautiful hearts...

...and they're waiting to mail you some!! Each is about two inches across, different in colors and decoration, and labeled with my father-in-law's name to help propogate his memory.

Enter your mailing address (optionally making a minimal donation for postage) and Yehudit will send you a few. Donations exceeding your postage will be used to subsidize postage for others, purchase more materials, and/or donated to our local charities here in Ohio, including the synagogue my father-in-law frequented and supported in life.

World Map - Where are the hearts?

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Optional donation to postage

Learn a little about Tuvia..!

Stories from his grandchildren:

Copyright 2019